The Food Shuttle Bids Farewell to Longtime Staff Member, Kay Coleman

Just as gardens go through growth, renewal, and change, so must we at Inter-Faith Food Shuttle. It is with great appreciation for her many years of service, that we announce the upcoming retirement Urban Agriculture Manager, Kay Coleman, on January 31, 2021.  

Kay, who began her tenure with the Food Shuttle back in 2012, has worn many hats while with the organization. She initially began working at the Food Shuttle Farm and helped to launch the incubator farm program, ultimately becoming the Farm Manager. After transferring over to the Urban Agriculture department, Kay carefully tended the Community Garden programs at both Camden Street and Geer Street Learning Gardens, helping them grow and flourish. She nurtured the Seed to Supper beginning gardener program, overseeing its evolution into a video series in answer to obstacles presented by the COVID-19 crisis. Her latest achievement has been the launch of the successful “Gardens For Everyone” program, which has built 17 home garden beds in Wake and Durham counties since September 2020. 

Kay is well known in gardening circles for her extensive knowledge, commitment to sustainable gardening, and kindheartedness. She has touched many lives in the community during her time with the Food Shuttle. 

Kayla Clark, Farm Production Manager, says this about Kay, having worked with her for many years: “When I see Kay Coleman, it puts a smile on my face. She is one of those people that make you feel better just being around her. I will miss Kay’s sense of humor, positive outlook on life, and her heart to serve other people. She made an impact on many people’s lives, and that will never be forgotten. While I will miss Kay very much, I am also extremely excited for her next chapter!” 

As to what Kay will be doing in her retirement: she plans to head to a cabin in the western North Carolina mountains and enjoy some well-deserved time off. We will miss you, Kay!