11-Year-Old Lights the Way, Raising Over $1,450 for the Food Shuttle

Sometimes in the dark of the moment, it takes a child to light the way. Case in point: 11-year-old Eric Vining. In December 2020, young Eric made up his mind to hold a fundraiser selling luminarias to his neighbors in the Budleigh Neighborhood of central Raleigh. He expected to make “maybe 1 or 2 hundred dollars.” In the end, Eric raised $1,450 from his sale and donated the proceeds to Inter-Faith Food Shuttle “so that people can have some good food over Christmas.” 

Eric distributed flyers in the neighborhood on December 18, offering the holiday décor for sale, and expected a small return. He received at least 100 orders and went to work putting together materials for almost 1,200 luminarias. “I didn’t let anything stop me, including running out of materials, and we finally pushed through!” When it came to donating the funds raised, Eric did his homework. “I did lots of research on different food banks and decided that this one was the best to donate to,” said Eric. “I also saw that there is a match donation,” he added, in reference to the holiday match opportunity provided by funding from The Stewards Fund and 4 Others Foundation. 

Food Shuttle President and CEO L. Ron Pringle wrote a personal note to Eric to thank him for his efforts and support. It read in part: “Your actions engaging a community confirmed my belief that it takes a ‘Community to take care of a Community’.  You, my friend, are truly a hero, and your superpower is renewing the faith in others.  There are going to be so many families across this community that are going to have their faith renewed because we were able to provide them with a meal, thanks to you.”   

Eric is proof once again that one is never too young to join the fight against hunger in our community.