Food Justice: Our Commitment

We will learn the barriers to food access from those impacted by them, collaborate strategically to address them, cultivate a just and inclusive work culture, and advocate for policy to build a sustainable food system in our community.

 The Work Ahead

Hunger does not occur in a vacuum. It is perpetuated by ingrained barriers to basic needs which are held in place by race, class, and gender privilege. These root causes place hunger at an intersection with lack of other critical resources: healthcare, affordable housing, education, employment at a living wage, mental health services, transportation. At Inter-Faith Food Shuttle, we recognize that the root causes of hunger are often the result of systemic oppression.

We will find the solutions to hunger through collaboration with partners who recognize the impacts of lingering oppression on our food system and accept the long-term challenge of addressing them. This means our partnerships for food and education access must expand traditional partnerships to community organizations from different areas of expertise, meeting them at this intersection of economic, social, and environmental issues.

We will continue to provide nutritious food and educational programs in tandem with addressing the barriers that created the original need for those programs. This includes looking inward to identify where we may be, however unintentionally, propping up those barriers. We will remain vigilant, hopeful, and determined as we collaborate strategically to dismantle the root causes of hunger. When food insecurity no longer exists, we create food justice – and thereby achieve our vision to end hunger in our community.

Our Approach to Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion

The following statements are in addition to our official non-discrimination policy, created and upheld in compliance with EEOC regulations. They reflect how we incorporate Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) into our initiatives. Only by balancing diversity and inclusion can we create a culture of Equity. From a solid foundation of Equity, we will achieve our vision: food justice.

Equity Statement

We will collaborate intentionally to replace the barriers to food equity with a sustainable food system, one created with the consistent, ongoing input of those we serve.

Diversity Statement

We will openly invite neighbors of diverse races, ethnicities, viewpoints, economic backgrounds, gender identities and other lived experiences to have a voice in shaping our programs. By incorporating this lived expertise, we ensure our capacity to recognize the next, best solution to end hunger in our communities.

Inclusion Statement

We will ensure our hunger initiatives are community-informed by making room for the diverse voices and perspectives of all Food Shuttle community members – both internal and external alike.

To learn more about the barriers our neighbors are facing, please visit our Hunger 101 webpage.

Our Core Values

We RESPECT each person’s inherent value, and give due regard to the autonomy, boundaries, feelings, rights, and identity of ourselves and others.

We approach everything we do with INTEGRITY and commit to hold ourselves to the highest ethical standards.

We COLLABORATE to build strong relationships by seeking out the input and counsel of our community who share our vision for an improved quality of life for all.

We believe HEALTH is the foundation of any community. We are dedicated to elevating the physical, mental, spiritual, and emotional wellbeing of our staff, volunteers, and the communities we serve.

We commit ourselves to achieving EQUITY by going to the point of need and building trusted relationships within our communities to advance just outcomes for all.

We SERVE with excellence, compassion, and responsiveness to meet the needs of those with whom we work, internally and externally.

If you have questions or comments about the Food Shuttle’s approach to Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion, please contact our Chief Officer of People and Culture, Lorenza Wilkins, at