
Growing Goodness: $50,000 Gift Match Starts April 1st!

Growing Goodness: $50,000 Gift Match Starts April 1st!

In 1989, with a vision to ease the crisis of hunger in North Carolina in a simple but effective way, Jill Staton Bullard and Maxine Solomon began “rescuing” food that would’ve gone to waste and getting it to neighbors in need. In the years since, generous friends have been Growing Goodness by supporting hunger relief efforts across the Food Shuttle’s seven- county service area.  

Shift the World: Join our Effort to Fill Every Volunteer Shift for Global Volunteer Month

Shift the World: Join our Effort to Fill Every Volunteer Shift for Global Volunteer Month

April is probably best known for giving us the first signs of spring, pranking our family on April Fool’s Day, and honoring our planet during Earth and Arbor Days, but did you know that April is also Global Volunteer Month? This movement encourages a spirit of giving back to the community, where neighbors come together to make a difference by contributing their time, skills, and passion towards various causes. At Inter-Faith Food Shuttle, we are gearing up to celebrate the power of volunteerism next month and hope you’ll join us!