The Support from Love, Tito's to Create Garden Accessibility for All

Love, Tito’s has a heart for community gardens and increasing access to fresh, healthy foods. Since 2020 this business has been bringing the love to the farm and is now back, providing the Food Shuttle $12,500 for a project called “Enhancing Community Garden Accessibility” at Camden Garden! Funding will be used to make our gardens more accessible for gardeners with mobility challenges. 

Team members from Tito’s will volunteer again during Hunger Action Month in September. We can’t wait to welcome the smiles of this energetic team and so appreciate their multi-level support. Their commitment to removing barriers to mobility through concrete walkways, raised garden beds, and much more fulfills a long-awaited goal for our Agriculture Team! 

Love, Tito’s prior support funded the building of a greenhouse at the Food Shuttle Farm – expanding our capacity and growing season. Their philanthropic Love, Tito’s Block to Block program, reconnects neighborhoods and creates community gardens and farms throughout the United States. By teaming up with nonprofit organizations in major cities, Love, Tito’s strives to unite communities and increase access to fresh and healthy foods. Our hearts are in full bloom knowing that our Camden Street Garden will be the next beneficiary of Block to Block, allowing neighbors with mobility challenges to access our many activities more easily.