Summer Hunger: Going to Where the Kids Are

Over 116,000 children in our community rely on the free or reduced price lunch they get at school. Sometimes, that meal is their only solid meal of the day. What do they eat now that school’s out for the summer, when there’s still no food at home? That’s where the Mobile Tastiness Machine comes to the rescue.

Chavis Park 5Inter-Faith Food Shuttle’s brightly colored Food Truck serves free meals for kids where they can easily access it – in their neighborhoods.We kicked off the season last night at Chavis Community Center’s ‘”Dancing in the Park” event – serving a free, nutritious dinner from the truck to anyone under 18 - Baked ziti with summer squash and a meat and cheese sauce, a side salad, and a banana.. The Mobile Tastiness Machine will provide meals at this spot on Mondays throughout the summer as well as in three additional neighborhoods on other days.

Not only can kids get a free, tasty meal from the truck, but our Nutrition team will be there in many of the neighborhoods providing fun ways for kids and parents to learn about healthy food – through “healthy choices Twister” and other games that provide not only knowledge, but physical activity as well.

MTM Healthy Food Choices Twister

But tackling summer hunger requires a multi-pronged approach. We’re also providing healthy, hot prepared lunches on a daily basis for 100 children participating in summer programs with the East Durham Children’s Initiative, as well as 40 more children through Full Circles Foundation, and 50 more through partnerships with Read and Feed of Wake County.

Not only does it take multiple approaches, it will take all of us working together to end hunger. Many thanks to our friends at Food Lion for donating 200 bags of fresh produce for families to take home at the kick-off of Chavis Community Center’s “Dancing in the Park” earlier this week.

Want to do your part? Donate here. Just watch this message from Kid President. He knows.