Jennifer and MTM fruit game

Jennifer Ozkurt:

AmeriCorps Summer VISTA

Jennifer worked primarily with IFFS's new Mobile Tastiness Machine Food Truck.  This food truck serves lunches and dinners to low-income children right in their own neighborhoods in order to fill the gap that free and reduced price breakfast and lunches at school miss.  Jennifer worked to develop materials and curricula that will be used as a nutrition component along with the meals handed out at the food truck.  Jennifer also helped as the Nutrition Instructor in a Cooking Matters Teen Class.


Megan Dixon:

AmeriCorps Summer VISTA

Megan worked with IFFS's Cooking Matters Program to help coordinate courses and manage volunteers.  Megan's duties also included assisting with the Food Matters Program at Mobile Markets, participating as an instructor for Cooking Matters courses, and developing activities to be used with all of IFFS's Nutrition Education Programs.

Thank you both for your dedication and hard work this summer!