Mission Moment: Mary Giguere, Farm Volunteer

Mission moments are stories we share with each other to inform, inspire and motivate. Sometimes it is hard to remember exactly why we are here… Mission Moments remind us all just how lucky we are to be able to do this important work.


Q: How are you involved at the Food Shuttle and what do you do?

A: I volunteer at the Food Shuttle Farm on Tryon Road, and I do whatever they need me to help do; that can be harvesting, planting, helping to build high tunnels or greenhouses, or cleaning the chicken’s water bottles. I do just about anything.

Q: How did you hear about the Food Shuttle and what made you get involved?

A: My husband is a graduate of Wake Forest, and Wake Forest does Pro Humanitate Days which are days of volunteering in the community. A year and a half ago this day was at the Food Shuttle, packing food for BackPack Buddies. Someone explained other opportunities there were to volunteer at the Food Shuttle, including working at the farm. We are avid gardeners so this really peaked our interest. It gave us an outlet to do what we love while giving back to our community. We try to go at least once a week, and we’ve been coming now for a little over a year. They’ve come to rely on us as steady volunteers.

Q: Do you have a mission moment you would like to share?

A: My husband and I have both always done financial donations, and this is a way for us to give back to our community in a way that is not financial. We are getting something personally out of it, but are also doing something of tremendous value for our community. We believe strongly in the need to take care of food deserts in our area. The mobile markets, the pantries, and everything the Food Shuttle does is all just so valuable for our community. We love giving back to our community in this way.

Q: How will volunteering at the Farm impact your future work/life?

A: Every time I go out to the farm, I am left with such a great feeling afterward. You’re out in the fresh air, collecting food for people who actually need it, and it just leaves you with a really good feeling. The staff is incredible, and we really feel like the Food Shuttle is part of our family.