A Big Green Thumbs Up for Plant a Row for the Hungry Members!

Big ups to all our Plant a Row for the Hungry members! The PAR pounds have started to flow, and we just reached the 2000 pound mark yesterday with a donation from Soap Stone United Methodist Church! Then today’s donations from Logan Trading Company shot us up to 2,437 pounds for the year! We’re thrilled that donations are coming in at about 1.4 times the rate of past years, and we’re forecasting that gardeners will donate 10,000 pounds of fresh, home grown produce this year! Many heartfelt thanks to those of you who have shared your abundance with Inter-Faith Food Shuttle and those we serve.

Want to help make Plant a Row even more successful? Spread the word! Tell your friends, neighbors, postman, hair dresser! The more people PAR-ticipate, the more fresh produce we can provide to people in need!